Friday, May 10, 2013

Operating Plan   :    2013 Welcome Home Campout
Eldorado National Forest   :   April-May 2013

This operating plan has been developed to mitigate potential resource impacts associated with the 2013 Welcome HOme Campout on the Eldorado NAtional Forest. This plan is designed to follow the standards and guidelines of the Forest Plan and the Code of Federal Regulations applicable to the National Forest System Lands.

The Primary Goals of this operating Plan are:
1.) Public Health and safety
2.) Minimize impacts to the resource and leave site at or near pre-gathering conditions.
3.) Minimize impacts and disruptions to local communities.

The Welcome HOme Campout will maintain a volounteer liaison counsel for administrative agreement matters and resource concerns between the Forest Service and the Welcome HOme Campout.

1. Individuals are responcible for thier oun health and safety.

2. CALM ( Center for Alternative Living Medicine )  will identify vehicles to be used for emergencies to the forest service.

3. The Forest Service and CALM will be notified of any contagious outbreaks.

4. Trash will be removed from the site.

5. Biological hazards generated at the CALM tent or elsewhere , will be disposed of at an appropriate medical waste disposal facility. No biological waste will be buried, remain on site, or disposed of with other trash.

6. Drinking water should be filtered, boiled, and/or treated.

7. Participants of the Campout will maintain approximately one functioning latrine per 100 people. The treatment of human waste is dependant upon numerous factors. Therefore, to assure health and safety of visitors to the peaceful assembly, the following actions should be followed :

a.) slit trenches or earth pit privies will be used. They should be sonstructed on upland dry sites. They should be located 200 feet from surface waters, kitchens, and down slope from any drinking water sources unless agreed upon with Forest service representatives . Trenches should be approximately 12-18 inches wide( i.e. Shovel width or better ) and an adequate length for the appropriate number of people. Buckets of lime or wood ash shall be available at all trenches or privy sites. Trenches or pits shall be closed when they fil to aproximately 15 inches of the surface. A hand wasj solution should be provided at each location.

8.) Kitchen washing procedures are recomended to be a three bucket system. A hand washing station is recomended for each kitchen area.

- approve D Road for use of the Campout
1. Parking areas will be agreed upon by the Forest Service. Participants of the Campout will provide crews to organize , direct, and provide security for the parking area(s) , and will ensure they follow posted instructions. Site specific needs will be addressed on location to provide for shuttle, supply, route closures, etc. Vehicles parked in areas specifically closed for parking, or parked in a manner that interferes with ingress/egress of emergency vehicles will be towed at the owners expense. Vehicles parked along the side of roads, where parking is allowed, must be pulled off as far as possible, but within one vehicle length of the edge of the road surface. Ata minimum, there must be one and a half car widths ( approximately 10-12 feet ) of clearance in the roadway. If this is not possible then the vehicle must be moved and parked in other designated parking areas.

2. A live - in area ( Bus VIllage ) will be agreed upon by the Forest Service.

3. Administrative parking areas will be identified by the Forest Service. These ares will be signed and marked. If the area markings are removed, anything stored in that area will be confiscated , and any vehicles parked in that area will be towed. It is the responcibilities of the assembled individuals to insure those areas remain accessible to the Forest Service.

4. Sensitive areas ( wetlands, sensitive species, archeological sites, etc. ) will be flagged by the Forest Service. Participants at the Campout are responcible for not camping or congregating within these areas, and for not removing items from these areas ( plants, items over 50 years old like bottles, cans, etc. )

5. There will be no camping within 150 feet of surface waters.

6. Gray Water and Compost from pits from kitchens should be at least 200 feet from surface water ( unless otherwise agreed upon by the Forest Service representative ) and should not be located in areas that contain riparian vegetation. They should be covered when they reach 5 inches from the surface.

7. Participants of the Campout will monitor all activities to ensure that soap, disinfectants, medical waste, or any other foreign material will not be introduced into lakes, streams, or other surface waters.

8. Avoid excavating or digging out around drinking water sources. Use temporary collection techniques ( such as rocks, logs, buckets or tarps ) to collect drinking water at the source.

9. If ground water appears while digging any holes ( slit trenches, grey water, compost pits, bliss pits, etc. ) the site shall be immediately refilled , abandoned and moved to a different location, generally uphill.

10. No natural surface ( rocks, trees, etc. ) should be painted with any permanent paint or coloring.

11. Local travel management restrictions will be adhered to and followed at all times ( Motor Vehicle Use Map, Eldorado National Forest, Placerville Ranger District, 2012) ; generally vehicles will not be parked over 1 vehicle length from Forest Service Roads.

12. Fires will be attended to at all times by a bearer of valid California fire permit. All fire pits will be no larger than 5 feet in diameter and flammable material will be cleared for a minimum of 5 feet in all directions. A shovel is required at each campfire location and at least one - five gallon container of water placed at each campfire location.

13.  Only dead and down firewood may be used. no cutting of green trees or standing dead trees will be allowed without prior approval of the Forest Service.


1. Animals must be under control at all times.
2. Animal waste will be cleaned up immediately and disposed of in latrines , privies, or other garbage collection sites.

3. All abandonded animals will be removed by participants of the campout.


1. If deemed necesary by the Forest Service, ( working with participants of the campout ) , all parking areas , bus villages, trails, and areas of concentrated use will be scarified to a depth of 2-4 inches and/or mulched with appropriate material ( such as pine straw or weed free straw ) as specified by the Forest Service.

2. Slit trenches and latrines will be filled and covered with the native material origionally removed from the pit and mounded with excess material to allow for settling.

3. All trash will be removed and disposed of at a recognized sanitary landfill.

4. All human made structures not previously existing at the assembly location ( bridges, swings, lean-tos, ovens, "art" ) will be dismantled, removed, or scattered to achieve a natural appearance.

5. Any user created trails will be obliterated and covered with local native materials. Existing trails will be returned to a width specified by the Forest Service, with the appropriate water controls to avoid concentrations of water and prevent erosion and gully formation.

6. All water lines will be removed from the Campout site.

7. All vehicles abandoned by the Campout participants will be removed from the National Forest at no cost to the Forest Service.

8. Fire pits will be filled with native material from the surrounding area or material origionally removed, and mounded with excess material to allow for settling. Rocks will be scattered to give a natural appearance to the landscape.

9. Site specific rehabilitation needs will be identified at a walk through with assembly representatives and the Forest Service after May 5.

10. Campout participants will replace the blocking boulders on 9N45D at the conclusion of the Campout.


1. Copies of the Operating Plan will be available at the Campout information center and at other locations.

2. Participants of the Campout will establish contacts with local agencies, businesses, and organizations to arrange services ( i.e. garbage, recycling, medical ) and supplies needed.

3. Participants of the Campout will be responcible for emergency medical coordination and evacuation with area medical facilities.

4. Nudity on roads 61 ( Grizzly Caldor ) and 10N83 ( North-South Road ) and areas outside the main peaceful assembly site is not allowed.

We support the goals of the Welcome Home Campout Operating Plan :

( 19 sigantures. mostly whimsical names of a familiar and non binding nature )

Forest Service Representatives :

Name Role
Kathy Hardy Forest Supervisor
Duane A. Wilson District Ranger
Frank E. Moleskin (?) Public Affairs Officer
Jeff (?) M. Carl (?) Law Enforcement Officer

( the names of the Forest Represerntatives were all signed in Cursive Script. I may have misaprehended thier spelling here.
I have attempted to accuratley reproduce this document from the mud and coffee stained copy I brought with me from the woods.
- Iris Aroha Mitzvah,
working from the Martin DePores House of Hospitality on Portrero in San Francisco.)